Initial phone or in-person interview (unless not possible to schedule during this time)
Sales calls (where possible)
Exceptions (scheduling nilenso work during core pairing hours)
Tuesday standup
Sales calls that cannot be scheduled during nilenso hours
Interviewee is not available at any other time for an initial interview
Full day interview
Something needs to be urgently signed
Urgent, unavoidable meetings
Review meetings
Away days
Setting expectations with clients
A full working month is 120-130 hours
Some time during the year will involve participating in scheduled nilenso activities, and working on nilenso. Senior folks will work on nilenso more than junior folks
Communicate leave plans (for the client, this will include review meetings, away days, urgent long nilenso meetings) and nilenso meetings early, clearly and consistently over email and other appropriate media of communication. Send out reminders as necessary. Add this information to your calendar, and set an out of office as appropriate
Make sure your team is aware of sick leaves as early as possible
Setting expectations with nilenso
There are 2 sets of nilenso hours: morning nilenso hours and evening nilenso hours
To be fair to everyone (folks who prefer to start early, and to those who prefer to stay late) we will alternate between the morning and evening slots when we schedule meetings
It is possible that you are not free in either one of the slots. If so, please communicate the fact that you are not available by blocking off that time in your calendar
Send an email about upcoming leave plans. Communicate leaves early, clearly and consistently at standup. Repeat several times. Add it to your calendar. Set an out of office if you're away for more than 2 days. Log under the appropriate project in Harvest
Make sure nilenso is aware of sick leaves as early as possible. Log under the appropriate project in Harvest
The main objective is to allow for uninterrupted core working hours to most people, most of the time
We have assumed working hours are 10.00 to 18.00
This is a guideline, not a rule
Some ensonians may start a bit earlier, or a bit later
However, just like with any team, it is important for your team to know when they can expect you to be available, and for you to be flexible so there is sufficient overlap with the team