
What is the "domain"? What is a "model"?

  • why have a model?
  • why prefer Value Objects?
  • how does good OOP mirror FP (or vice-versa)?
    • immutability
    • sensible data structures underpinning immutable objects
    • sacrifice performance by default
  • how is good OOP different from FP?
    • prefer fine-grained abstraction pushed to "leaf nodes" of the object hierarchy
    • avoid highly generic constructs
  • [tbd - domain-v-model.jpg]

Objects capture lifetimes

  • nouns to capture ephemeral/lifetime ideas: session (other examples?)
  • the lifecycle of an object is more important than mirroring the real world

Non-standard domains

  • the web server itself can be a domain
  • a scheduler object(s)
  • Try: push as much of your code into the "domain" as possible
    • pure
    • immutable
    • small & value-based
    • in clojure, this is capturing more data and less behaviour

Domain through API

  • Representational State Transfer - why?
  • HTTP verb hacks
  • immutability behind the scenes w mutable APIs
  • DTOs