


Chat (currently on Slack) is the primary mode of communication at nilenso

Channel Guidelines

  • #general is for important company-wide announcements that everyone needs to see
  • #finance is for important finance-related announcements
  • #sales is for discussing sales leads including existing clients' contractual changes
  • #decisions is to announce decisions that merit company-wide visibility.
  • #operations is for day-to-day discussions about the office
  • #space is for discussions relating to the physical office -- what needs to be bought, disposed of, repaired, cared for
  • #wfh-leaves-ooo is self explanatory, and is for when you're working from home, or out of the office
  • #sundry is for everything else, don't post anything important here!
  • A separate channel for each stream of work/project. For ex. each client project gets a separate channel. Project related chatter goes there.
  • if you're unsure where a message belongs, ask


  • Tag the intended recipients of the message in the message
  • Tag @here when you want everyone online to see the message
  • Tag @channel when you're making important announcements. Use prudently
  • Avoid tagging folks on messages in #sundry or on non-critical messages unless you know they are free
  • If someone has taken the effort to type a message intended for you, do respond to it. Not responding could seem like you're ignoring them
  • Make time to check internal Chat regularly during core working hours, and respond to messages


  • Format your messages for better readability
  • Slack supports markdown. The fundamental principles of a well-formatted message stay the same
    • Break up large pieces of content into smaller chunks
    • Visually segregate the chunks with lines or headers
    • Order lists where that makes sense
    • Bold or italics for emphasis
    • Share snippets of code in blocks
    • Avoid capitalising your message or using title case


  • Chat can be used during core and outside working hours as long as you are judicious about tagging


Email is intended for more formal communication. In the interest of transparency, ensure that the appropriate groups are copied on all company emails


  • Offers to candidates
  • Sales discussions / negotiations
  • Summarizing personnel-related discussions
  • Leaves
  • Resignation
  • Long form company-wide messages


  • business@nilenso.com for all company communications with clients and vendors
  • finance@nilenso.com for all accounts and finance related communication with CAs, banks, investment companies, auditors etc
  • announcements@nilenso.com for all company-wide announcements (this is internal and cannot be posted to from outside the organization)
  • careers@nilenso.com for all hiring related conversations
  • bills@nilenso for forwarding any bills that are spent on the company cards including subscriptions, licenses and one-off payments
  • leaves@nilenso.com for all leave intimations
  • all@nilenso.com if you'd like to send an email to everyone at nilenso
  • execs@nilenso.com for personnel related matters
  • execs@nilenso.com to report harrassment or issues you are facing at nilenso. All communication on this thread will be kept confidential
  • We may create other small, temporary groups as and when required. For e.g. internships@nilenso.com is used when we run internships


  • Use formatting afforded by your email client or text editor as appropriate. Ensure good readability for the intended recipient(s)
  • Use an email signature as appropriate


  • Email can be used during core and outside working hours

Face to face

Formal meetings, casual catch ups and everything in between


  • Interview discussions
  • Finstrat meetings
  • Daily catch ups
  • Everything else


  • Try to "just do it!" whenever you can (especially 1:1 catch ups)
  • If specific folks need to be at a meeting, ask them about their availability and send out a meeting invite in advance
  • Ensure that there is a video call link so remote folks can join in


  • Meetings are not asynchronous, be respectful of time
    • Do not be late
    • Come prepared
    • Take breaks where they make sense
    • The person who convened the meeting should be responsible for wrapping it up on time

Telegram: nilenso

Used when chat fails


  • Company related messages to folks who need to be reached urgently, but are not responding on Chat during or adjacent to core working hours


  • Tag the intended recipients of the message on Telegram


  • Use this mode of communication sparingly
  • Avoid using it outside core working hours

Telegram: nilenso social

Strictly fun only!


  • Non-company related messages
  • Planning get-togethers outside working hours
  • Do not assume or expect anyone to check regularly or respond in a timely manner


  • It's fine to post here outside working hours, but please be respectful / reasonable


Generally only used when all else fails


  • Be respectful. If the person you're calling does not answer, don't call repeatedly except in an emergency


  • Call at reasonable hours except in an emergency