
Salary Advance

This policy is intended to provide a loan facility to nilenso employees with the expectation that it will be used in good faith.
  • Eligibility: Everyone at nilenso is eligible to apply for a salary advance after completion of 6 months.
  • Amount: A member may borrow up to 3 months of their current salary at a time. An operations staff may borrow up to 6 months of their current salary at a time.
  • Frequency: A person may apply for a salary advance twice a year, with at least 3 months between each advance. They must repay the previous advance before taking out another one.
  • Consecutive requests: People are limited to seeking two consecutive advances, after which they must wait for a minimum of 6 months before applying for another.
  • Repayment: The borrowed amount must be repaid within 12 months or before exiting the company, with equal deductions from the salary each month. There will be no interest charged.
  • Application: To apply for a salary advance, a request should be emailed to execs@nilenso.com with a plan for repayment. The execs will review the application and make a decision.
  • Approval: Approval of the salary advance will be made by the execs, and the execs might reach out to the requester to discuss further if needed.
  • Violation: Violation of this policy or repayment may result in disciplinary action.