
Offer letter


<Name and address>

Dear <Name>,

We are pleased to offer you the post of <Role> subject the following terms and conditions:

Your appointment will be effective from <Appointment date>.

You will be paid gross emoluments as detailed in Annexure – A.

Your employment with us will be governed by the Terms and Conditions as detailed in Annexure – B.

We congratulate you on your appointment and wish you a long and successful career with us. We are confident that you will find your time with nilenso both personally and professionally rewarding, and that you will make a substantial contribution during this journey of ours.

Nilenso Software LLP

Annexure – A

Section I – Administrative

  1. Position: Engineer
  2. Location: Bangalore, India
  3. Joining Date: <Appointment date>
  4. Annual CTC (Cost to Company): <CTC>

Section II – Annual Salaries and Allowances

  1. Basic
  2. House Rent Allowance
  3. Bonus
  4. Special Allowance


Total excluding Bonus

Total including Bonus

Remuneration to employees, executives and partners at Nilenso Software LLP are in the form of salaries only. Profits shall not be distributed unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Please indicate your understanding and acceptance of Annexure – A by signing in the space provided below.

I accept.


<Name, Date and Place>

Annexure – B

1. Review of salary

Your salary will be reviewed in the month of April of every financial year (subject to spending a minimum of 6 months in employment at nilenso as of 1st April) upon the basis of your and company's performance, tenure, attitude, competence and achievements.

2. Reporting Time and Punctuality

We offer you flexible working hours so that the total working hours per week amounts to 40 hours. However, when you are working in a team it is expected that you will adjust your work timings to sync with the rest of the team so that the team is able to perform at its best. Also, it would be reasonable to expect that we work with a client unless the activity is something that can be carried out from a location of your choice and convenience.

3. Non Divulgence of Company’s Business Information

During the course of your employment with us you will have access to confidential/proprietary information about the organization, its clients, its business transactions, and associated companies. You shall not during your course of Employment and two years after you have ceased to be in the employment of this organization, disclose such confidential/proprietary information to any third party and /or any unauthorized person.

All notes and memoranda pertaining to this organization trade secrets and confidential/proprietary information made by or acquired by you during the course of your employment shall at all times remain the property of this organization. Upon termination of your employment, you shall return all notes/memoranda and any copies thereof to the organization that you may have obtained during the course of your employment.

You are obliged to sign a non-disclosure agreement specific to a particular client as and when required by organization.

Prior to joining organization, you will ensure that you will be free from any contractual restrictions preventing you from accepting this offer or starting work on the joining date.

4. Place of posting and transfer

(i) You may be required to go to any of the offices at Bangalore / out of Bangalore for official purposes for a short / long duration.

(ii) Your services are transferable to any department/locations/subsidiary of the company at your consent and at the discretion of the management in Bangalore.

(iii) In case of a transfer, the conditions of services, which are applicable for such place of transfer, to your category of staff, the same shall be applicable to you also. However, the company shall bear and necessary expenses of transfer packaging and transportation.

5. Leave Policy

  1. Company policies allow for 28 days of paid leaves every year and 5 days of statutory holidays. Government-approved holidays (in case of elections, curfew or acts of war) are additional to the above pool of leaves available.
  2. Need-based sick leaves are available.

6. Probationary Period

You are required to serve a probationary period of up to 6 months after which your service will be confirmed subject to satisfactory performance. The probationary period may be extended or shortened at the absolute discretion of the Company. During the probationary period, the appointment may be terminated by either party giving 1 month notice in writing to the other party.

7. Termination of service

  1. If particulars furnished by you in your application / personal data form or during the interview, or later during the tenure of your service in the organization as the case may be, are subsequently found to be incorrect
  2. If you are found guilty of misconduct, disobedience, inefficiency, misappropriation misrepresentation, insubordination and or breach or any of the terms and conditions of your appointment and also of the rules and regulations of the organization as enforced from time to time.

8. General

You shall be subject to the various rules, regulations, administrative policies and other policies of the company, which are time being in force or shall be formed and enforced from time to time. The management has absolute power and right to cease or to modify / review the regulations and the said policies from time to time with or without intimation to you.

Please sign the duplicate copy of this appointment letter as on your acceptance.

Please indicate your understanding and acceptance of Annexure – B by signing in the space provided below.

I accept.


<Name, place and date>

Acknowledgement and Acceptance

I have read and understood the above terms and conditions of employment and the implication thereof. I hereby accept the aforesaid terms and conditions and agree to abide by the same.\


<Name, place and date>